Fourth Global Gathering (GC4)
That the World May Know
Accra, Ghana

Welcome to the Fourth Global Gathering: “That the World May Know,” hosted by the Global Christian Forum (GCF). Join us as we unite believers worldwide for worship, dialogue, and mission.
The Fourth Global Gathering brings together Christians from diverse traditions to deepen connections and address global challenges. Through worship, teachings, and discussions, we’ll explore how to bear witness to Christ in today’s world.
Join us as we proclaim the love and truth of Jesus Christ to the nations. Together, let’s make a difference for God’s glory.

Preparing for the conference
Resources and information to help you during your attendance.
GCF Prayer Calendar
We are inviting you to join us for four weeks of praying for every aspect of the Great Global Gathering.
Week One
Week Two
Remembrance and Prayer
Global Gathering Plans Visit to Cape Coast Castle
Cape Coast Castle is one of the fortresses built by European colonial powers which was used as a final point of departure for the men, women, and children who were sold into chattel slavery.
The participants in the Global Gathering in Accra will visit the Cape Coast Castle, take a tour of the grounds, spend time in prayer and reflection, and have space to consider their own relationship to the history of slavery.