We are inviting you to join us for four weeks of praying for every aspect of the Great Global Gathering.
Praying for GCF4
GCF Prayer Calendar

The Global Christian Forum (GCF) is a space where Christian communities gather to build relationships, broaden conversations, share faith stories, and foster mutual respect. GCF invites all traditions in the global Christian family to join in the shared work of Christian unity. It provides the opportunity for theological conversations and encounters in a space of welcome and mutual friendship. GCF makes a special effort to include Christian communities who have traditionally chosen not to join existing ecumenical bodies, including African instituted churches, independent churches, mega-churches, charismatic movements, and migrant churches, as well as Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal and Evangelical churches. There is space for everyone at the GCF table.
In April 2024, the Global Christian Forum is hosting a Great Global Gathering in Accra, Ghana. This gathering will bring together Christian leaders from all areas of the world and all families of Christianity, so we can journey with Jesus together.
The success of any endeavour is rooted in prayer. Therefore the Global Christian Forum is looking for prayer partners from every corner of Christianity. We are inviting you to join us for four weeks of praying for every aspect of the Great Global Gathering. 1 Thessalonians 5 instructs us to “pray continually” and it promises that “the God who calls you is faithful. ” We rely on the faithfulness of God who has called us to the ministry of Christian unity and who has commanded us to pray continually for this good work. To God alone be the glory – in the church, in the world, and in our lives.
The theme for the Great Global Gathering in Accra is “That the World May Know” which comes from John 17:21b. We will begin our four weeks of prayer with a reflection on this theme and areas to pray for during the week. Each subsequent week will have a brief reflection on Scripture and areas to pray for during the week.
Thank you for covering the Great Global Gathering in prayer. We trust that God is doing a mighty work through the Global Christian Forum.

GCF Prayer Calendar
We are inviting you to join us for four weeks of praying for every aspect of the Great Global Gathering.
Week One
Week Two