The Global Christian Forum hosted a virtual Reunion and Book Launch, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, on April 27, 2021. It was a fourfold celebration: We gave space for reflection on what had taken place those three years ago in Bogotá, Colombia; we officially launched the book which chronicles that global gathering, Let Mutual Love Continue; we had an opportunity to hear from church leaders around the world; and we were able to share in fellowship with one another, as much as was virtually possible.
After being welcomed to the Reunion by GCF Secretary Casely Essamuah, we heard from both former Secretaries of the Forum, Revd. Larry Miller and Huibert van Beek, who spoke both to the enduring gifts of the Bogotá Gathering as well as to the hopeful future of the GCF.
We were gifted with greetings from many representatives of all four pillars of the GCF – the World Evangelical Alliance, the World Council of Churches, the Pentecostal World Fellowship and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity. As one of our speakers said, “There is no greater need in our living history for us to come together than there is now.”
The book, Let Mutual Love Continue, generously sponsored by Giving Hands, was said to be the “best business card the GCF ever had!” It will soon be available for download on the GCF website.
If virtual meetings have taught us anything during this pandemic, it is that our desire to be together, to share fellowship, send and receive greetings and hear each other’s stories cannot be dimmed by the limitations of technology. We are grateful for everyone who participated and we look forward to the day when we might meet again in person.

For a pdf version of this Narrative Report click below: