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Who We Are

The Global Christian Forum (GCF) is a unique gathering of global Christian churches and organisations bringing together all the major streams of world Christianity. The GCF is an open space where all Christians can meet to nurture unity by fostering mutual respect and understanding as well as by addressing together common challenges.

All the traditions in the global Christian family are present within the GCF, including: African Instituted, Anglican, Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelical, Orthodox, Pentecostal, and Protestant, as well as mega churches, migrant churches, and contemplative communities.

Represented in the GCF are many Christian World Communions and world Christian organisations, including the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Pentecostal World Fellowship, the World Evangelical Alliance and the World Council of Churches.

The emergence of the GCF comes at a time of major shifts in global Christianity, whereby the expanding edge of the church has moved from the global North (primarily Protestant and Catholic Europe and North America) to the global South (Africa, Asia and Latin America through the growth of Pentecostal, evangelical and charismatic churches).

This is also a time when the historic ecumenical movement is looking for creative ways forward. The GCF provides space for exploration of expressions of Christian unity previously unavailable due to limited contact or past wounds.

The GCF does not seek to replace that which has been achieved through the careful and prayerful work of the churches in dialogue and common theological discernment. We hope instead to build on growing trust and mutual respect in order to be a truly open space where we can continue together our journey with Christ.

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