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Weekly Prayer Cycle

A Weekly Prayer Cycle from the GCF for a Year

Week 1. For thankfulness for the GCF vision as an open space for Christian churches, groups, and leaders to share in the search of Christian unity.

Week 2. For churches under persecution.

Week 3. For the Pentecostal World Fellowship and all it does to promote God’s mission.

Week 4. For those involved in interchurch prayers and Bible discussion at a local level in communities all over the world.

Week 5. For theologians and scholars who daily study and discern ways of Christian unity and the search for understanding.

Week 6. For the members of the GCF Committee as they work to keep the vision of the GCF true to God’s calling.

Week 7. For Christian leaders and workers who serve daily at the ‘grass roots level’ in situations of conflict between Christians in local communities.

Week 8. For the work of commissions, committees and groups tasked with keeping alive the hope of Christian unity in their churches and traditions.

Week 9. For the priests, ministers, pastors, religious, lay-workers, evangelists in your area as they seek to fulfill God’s calling to preach, teach, share in pastoral care and hold forth the hope of Christian unity.

Week 10. For the people and churches of the Orthodox family worldwide; for faithful and loving communities that meet in Christ’s name and spirit.

Week 11. For those who have lost hope that ‘all shall be one’ in God’s own time.

Week 12. For an increase in knowledge of the changes that are at work in global Christianity and a faithful response to them.

Week 13. For the ministry of Rev Dr Larry Miller in his work as Secretary of the Global Christian Forum.

Week 14. For the church in Africa as it continues to grow in grace, knowledge and love of God.

Week 15. For newly ordained, consecrated or commissioned leaders of churches and Christian communities; that they may be open to the movement of the Spirit in true unity.

Week 16. For the Catholic Church’s Pontifical Commission for the Promotion of Christian Unity in their prayers and work for unity in Jesus Christ.

Week 17. For the continuing work of the Global Christian Forum; that it will be responsive to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Week 18. For the work of the Indonesian Christian Forum, formed after the Manado gathering, seeking ways to be a witness to Jesus Christ in their nation.

Week 19. For the World Council of Churches and its ministry in unity, seeking ways forward and supporting the GCF vision.

Week 20. For the churches on the continent of South America; with thanksgiving for their faithfulness, growth and vision of unity in response to Jesus prayer that we may be one.

Week 21. For mega churches around the world; that their leaders and members will be faithful in their ministries under the Gospel and open to the work of God’s Spirit for unity.

Week 22. For those who minister in Christ’s name in places of hunger, poverty and disease; for those who are aware of the imbalance in the resources of God’s abundance.

Week 23. For churches who are concerned about proselytism and tensions between faith communities; for a spirit of love and grace and leaders to help understand and resolve division.

Week 24. For those Christians of every confession, family and tradition that seek to bind the wounds, uplift the broken and give courage to the downhearted in their neighborhoods.

Week 25. For Christians and churches from the Holiness tradition; for faithful and loving communities that meet in Christ’s name.

Week 26. For churches and Christians who live and meet in North and Central America and the Caribbean; for a witness to Christian in unity and faithfulness.

Week 27. For those who will represent the GCF in consultations and meetings this year.

Week 28. For a spirit of openness and inquiry in discussions and meetings that GCF representatives will undertake this year.

Week 29. For Christians who find and express faith in the Pentecostal movement; for faithful and loving communities that meet in Christ’s name and spirit.

Week 30. For minority Christian groups that feel exposed and misunderstood in their communities.

Week 31. That churches and Christians will find ways to work together to demonstrate the love of God in acts of justice, mercy and faith.

Week 32. For the churches in Europe, as they experience change; for faith-filled responses to new community and spiritual realities in their midst.

Week 33. For the World Evangelical Alliance and its work, with thanksgiving for their commitment to the GCF vision.

Week 34. For those whose task it is to produce Bible studies, theological reflections and reports on matters of unity and division in the churches; that they will be open and responsive to God’s calling to unity.

Week 35. For the churches of Asia and the Pacific; for their faithful ministry and search for understanding and peace in the name of Christ.

Week 36. For Christian and churches of the Anglican Communion of the global church; for faithful and loving communities that meet in Christ’s name.

Week 37. For Christians in their encounter with people of other faiths or no faith; that Christian love will be the hallmark of their conversations and meeting.

Week 38. For those that minister in places of war and armed conflict; may they be a reminder of the peace of Christ which is beyond understanding.

Week 39. For Christians and churches of the Reformed family of churches; for Christians and churches that form a majority in their communities; that they will be welcoming to the stranger in their midst and uphold the dignity of the minority groups who are their neighbors.

Week 40. For those who work and minister within government, national and international organisations or businesses to ensure justice, peace, charity and mercy in policy and programs.

Week 41. For Christian and churches that are a part of the evangelical family of the global church; for faithful and loving communities that meet in the name of Christ.

Week 42. For churches whose life is lived out in the Middle East; that they will have a ministry of peace and unity in a ‘Holy Land’ that is so often afflicted by conflict, violence, and geo-political tensions.

Week 43. For students, seminarians and those who are embarking on research and study; may their minds and hearts be opened to God’s love for the world.

Week 44. For national and international ecumenical Christian groups; that their work to unity will be a blessing to the global church.

Week 45. For those who work in national ‘GCF’ inspired groups around the world – such as in India, Bangladesh or the Netherlands and is unfolding in Cuba – and other such faithful initiatives of unity in across the world.

Week 46. For Christians of the Catholic family of our Christian faith; for the faithful Christian leaders of the past who reminded the church of the vision for unity as a faithful response to Jesus’ prayer for unity.

Week 47. For musicians, songwriters, artists, poets, writers – all those who work with raw materials to reveal to us the God of beauty and truth – that their work will be a blessing beyond the boundaries of tradition and familiarity.

Week 48. For Christians and churches that are a part of the African Instituted Churches; for faithful and loving communities that meet in Christ’s name.

Week 49. For the GCF international committee; those who volunteer and the staff members; may all who bring their vision and energy to its life so that this ministry will be a blessing in the search for unity.

Week 50. For a continual spirit of openness and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the global Church, so we can be aware of the contours of unity that are about us.

Week 51. For Christians and churches who are a part of the charismatic movement; that their life and work will be a blessing and a witness to our being ‘one in Christ’.

Week 52. For the GCF in its planning and preparation for future events, consultations and gatherings; that these may be truly open spaces for the churches to explore issues of faith and unity.

* You can begin this yearly prayer cycle at any time.
Simply note YOUR start date in your personal calendar or diary and go from there.

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