In a recent article in the L’Osservatore Romano, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Bishop Brian Farrell, writes about the challenges to ecumenism presented by the Coronavirus pandemic.
“The Ecumenical world, too, has suffered from the restriction imposed due to the health crisis. In relationships among Christians, divided but eager to overcome separations, personal contacts are essential. The mutual understanding and reciprocal trust necessary to deepen communion are born and grow only through encounter…Yet, even in this fateful year, the search for Christian unity has continued, and has made progress.”
Amongst the efforts to promote the ecumenical spirit in the Catholic Church, a number of publications and sources of information have been formed, including an online ecumenical library (www.christianunity.va) containing “all the ecumenical documents published since the time of the Second Vatican Council.” It is available in several languages and accessible to all.
Bishop Farrell notes the significant contribution that the Global Christian Forum has made to the “new, more relaxed and cordial climate of dialogue” that is developing in the ecumenical world. The Forum’s work may not aways be noticed, says Farrell, but many “good fruits” have been achieved.
Bishop Farrell reminds us to remain hopeful in our ecumenical work. “In spite of everything, 2020 did not halt the journey toward the restoration of unity for which the Lord Jesus prayed at the Last Supper.”
Click on the link below to read the full text of Bishop Farrell’s article: