We hope that the information you find here will help you to discover what we believe is a promising and unique process. It began in the late 1990s. For several years we worked quietly, without much publicity, away from the limelight. Now we want to make known what has happened, what is going on and what we are aiming at.
The Global Christian Forum is about bringing into conversation with one another Christians and churches from very different traditions who have little or never talked to each other. It is about building bridges where there are none, overcoming prejudices, creating and nurturing new relationships.
We have become convinced that our churches and organizations could benefit greatly from a Forum where they could speak with one another face to face, pray for one another directly, learn from one another, and together gain insights into common problems that could help all to respond to them more effectively.
Our vision has been confirmed by the first fully representative and worldwide Global Christian Forum meeting that took place on 6 – 9 November 2007 in Kenya and reaffirmed and given guidance by the second such gathering in Manado, Indonesia in 2011. Our third global gathering took place in Bogota, Colombia in 2018 further confirming the importance of this unique forum for Christian Conversation.