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The Second GCF Global Gathering

From the First Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum, 6 – 9 November 2007, Limuru, Nairobi, Kenya

This second GCF global gathering brought together great streams of the Christian faith: African Instituted, Anglican, Catholic, charismatic, Evangelical, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Protestant, and contemplative communities. At this meeting the participants came from 65 countries and all continents.

The gathering included 12 Christian world communions, 2 global ecumenical organisations, 6 world Evangelical/Pentecostal/Charismatic organisations, a number of regional organisations, and two global student organisations, the World Student Christian Federation and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.

These papers and presentations were presented: Prof. Dana Robert spoke on ‘Witness and Unity in 21st Century World Christianity’; the Rev. Dr Kim Sang-Bok David addressed ‘Trends and Changes in World Christianity’; Mr. Peter Crossing presented the Atlas of Global Christianity; Rev. Dr K. M. George addressed ‘Bearing Witness to Christ and to Each Other in the Power of the Holy Spirit’; Dr Opoku Onyinah spoke about the history of Pentecostalism and its contributions to World Christianity; President Michelle Moran, International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Rome, described the development of the charismatic movement within the Roman Catholic Church.

Participants received on CDs the recently launched statement ‘Christian Witness in a Multireligious World: Recommendations’, jointly produced by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the World Council of Churches, and the World Evangelical Alliance.

In the final plenary, the Indonesian host churches established an Indonesian Christian Forum.

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Other Documents from the Manado Gathering

Manado - Guidelines

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Manado - Reflections

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Manado - Paper 1

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Manado - Paper 2

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Manado - Paper 3

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Manado - Media 1

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Manado - Media 2

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Manado - Media 3

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