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Message of the Fourth Global Gathering

“That the World May Know”

The rain came with a cool breeze, driving away the humid heat through the open windows of the church. An auspicious blessing from God! So began the collective story of the 4th Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum in Ghana, a country where Christianity is vibrant and thriving. An outpouring of hospitality and generosity characterised our time together from 16-19 April, 2024.

The very first youth gathering in GCF’s history preceded the main Forum from 13-15 April. The diversity and vision of the young adults gave energy to their own conversations about justice, hope, and reconciliation. 

This is the 25th Anniversary of the Global Christian Forum, something we celebrated joyfully. Throughout its existence, the GCF has been a unique space for all major streams of Christianity to be together for encounter and prayer. It is the broadest expression of Christian faith and one that reflects the movement of the majority of churches from the global north to the global south. 

“That the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me.”     John 17:23

One in God

We want the world to know and to do so we must live the gospel in unity. 

The charism of the Global Christian Forum is the sharing of faith stories. These personal stories act as bridges that help us foster mutual respect and embrace diversity by recognising Christ in the other. They help us move beyond a posture of “us” and “them.” 

To share our personal stories is to witness to the resurrection of Christ together. 

Broken in Humanity

Nevertheless, the world will not know Christ merely by our words, but by our actions. 

During our time together in Ghana, we walked in the footsteps, on the sweat and blood, of millions of enslaved, dehumanised African men, women, and children at the Cape Coast Castle. We stood in the dark, stifling dungeons, spaces made more horrifying by the presence of a church directly above. Those above invoked blessings for the ships that would forcibly take the captives to the Americas, Caribbean, and Europe as objects of lucrative trade.

Sadly, as we continued to share amongst ourselves, we heard stories of continuing dehumanisation across the world today. Where human beings are oppressed and marginalised, there is a failure to recognise the image and likeness of God in one another. When we destroy creation, we dishonour the Creator. 

Gathering in the Wesley Cathedral, we were reminded through our worship of Christ’s call for lamentation, for healing, and for reconciliation. Through the Lord, and with heart-felt repentance, we can rise out of the ashes of our brokenness with integrity, justice, and solidarity.  

Healed Through Christ

We are empowered by the Spirit to act for the restoration of the world. The church must raise its prophetic voice.

The gifts of joy and hope also flourish in our contexts and churches. We shared these with one another and we raised our hearts and voices in prayer and fellowship as a witness to God’s reconciling grace.

As the broken – and yet reconciling – Body of Christ, we can clearly hear the voice of the Shepherd who heals all wounds. Through the testimonies of pain and ever-enduring hope, God is speaking, calling us to deeper conversion and unity. 

We know the very credibility of our faith depends on how we reflect the depth of God’s love for all. 

Sent Out

With this message, we – the participants of the 4th Global Gathering, call upon the churches throughout the world to continue to live out the charism of the Global Christian Forum.

In our diversity, may we be one in our Triune God.

In lamentation, may our hearts be broken by that which breaks God’s heart.

In Christ, may we experience healing and reconciliation.

And in the Holy Spirit, may we be sent out with boldness and humility, to make God’s transforming Spirit of forgiveness, justice, healing, restoration, grace, and salvation known.



Message from the Fourth Global Gathering pdf

SPANISH – Message of the Fourth Global Gathering

FRENCH – Message from the Fourth Global Gathering


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